Organic Gou Qi Goji Berry 生草藥-有機枸杞
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- Nourishes and tonifies Liver and Kidney Blood and YinBenefits Jing and
- brightens the eyes
- Nourishes Yin and
- moistens the Lungs
- Blood and Yin Deficiency with sore back and legs, low-grade abdominal pain, impotence, nocturnal emissions, wasting and thirsting disorder and consumption
- Liver and Kidney Deficiency
- Liver and Kidney Deficiency where Jing and Blood cannot nourish eyes with dizziness, blurred vision and diminished visual acuity
- Consumptive cough and wasting and thirsting disorder
- 補肝腎
- 明目
- 肝腎不足
- 腰酸遺精
- 頭暈目眩
- 視力減退
- 內障目昏
- 消渴
- 腎虛遺精
- 肝腎陰虛
- 視力模糊