Dang Gui 生草藥-當歸
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Raw Herbs
- 1 Lb
- Tonifies the Blood and regulates the menses
- Invigorates and harmonizes the Blood and disperses Cold (stops pain due to Blood Stasis)
- Moistens the Intestines and unblocks the bowels
- Reduces swelling, expels pus, generates flesh and alleviates pain
- Stops coughing and treats dyspnea
- Blood Deficiency, especially when affecting the Heart and Liver with pale, ashen complexion, lusterless nails, tinnitus, blurred vision and palpitations
- Blood Deficiency associated irregular menstruation, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea
- Blood Stasis causing abdominal pain and carbuncles and pain due to Blood Stasis from traumatic injury, especially when accompanied by Deficiency Cold
Postpartum menstruation - Pregnancy (use with caution)
Blood Deficiency with chronic Wind-Damp-Bi - Dry Intestines due to Blood Deficiency
- Sores and abscess (Chuang Yung), internally and topically
- Used adjunctively for coughing
- 補血
- 活血
- 調經
- 止痛
- 潤腸
- 心肝血虛
- 面色萎黃
- 眩暈心悸
- 血虛
- 月經不調
- 痛經
- 經閉當
- 血虛
- 血滯而兼有寒凝
- 跌打損傷
- 風濕痹阻的疼痛證
- 癰疽瘡瘍
- 血虛腸燥便秘
- 久咳氣喘
- 慢性支氣管炎