Chuan Xiong 生草藥-川芎
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- 1 Lb
- Invigorates the Blood and promotes the movement of Qi
- Expels Wind and alleviates pain
- Blood Stasis, especially in gynecology with dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, difficult labor or retained lochia
- Qi and Blood Stagnation with pain and soreness in the chest, flanks and hypochondria
- Externally contracted Wind with headache, dizziness or painful obstruction (Bi Syndrome) especially useful for headaches due to Wind-Heat, Wind-Cold or Blood Deficiency (depending on the combination)
- Wind skin disorders
- Externally contracted Wind with headache, dizziness or painful obstruction (Bi Syndrome) especially useful for headaches due to Wind-Heat, Wind-Cold or Blood Deficiency (depending on the combination)
- Wind skin disorders
- 活血行氣
- 祛風止痛
- 血瘀氣滯的痛證
- 血瘀經閉
- 痛經
- 惡露不行
- 瘀滯腹痛
- 心脈瘀阻
- 胸痹心痛者
- 冠心病心絞痛
- 跌扑損傷
- 瘡瘍癰腫
- 頭痛,風濕痹痛
- 急性缺血性腦血管病
- 腦外傷綜合症
- 三叉神經痛
- 血管性頭痛
- 坐骨神經痛
- 末梢神經炎